Mrs Murphy

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Cullen

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Ofsted quote - February 2023

'Pupil's learn about how to keep themselves safe online and understand what Cyber-bullying is.'


Online Safety


While the internet is a great way for children to stay in touch with their friends, it can also bring risks. It is so important to keep your child safe.

To keep your child safe the following tips should be considered:

  • Setting security settings within your browser/s
  • Encourage children to use their laptop/tablet in a family area where possible
  • Consider the use of mobiles phones, games consoles, tablets and other devices with access to the Internet
  • Regularly check the Internet sites your child has visited by looking in the history and favourites

Your child should also be advised to:

  • Tell you about the websites they are using
  • Only use child friendly search engines
  • Only email people they know
  • Never give out personal information
  • Never arrange to meet people they have met on the Internet without the approval and consent of a parent/carer first
  • Only use a webcam with people they know and with the approval and consent of a parent/carer first
  • Tell you immediately if they see anything they are unhappy with 

The following resources will support you to talk to your child about a range of online safety issues:


  • Thinkuknow
  • Childnet
  • UK Safer Internet Centre

 Please see the links below.


We want everyone to safely enjoy the web. O2 have created resources to help parents regularly discuss online safety with their children. This empowers families to confidently explore the digital world.

Check out their online safety resources at





Internet Smart

Safer Internet Information

Year 1 and 2

As part of their e-safety work Year 1 and 2 children will read the story of Dot by Randi Zuckerberg and The Adventures of Smartie the Penguin

They will be watching the Hector’s World cartoons

The children will also learn the SMART rules with Kara, Winston and the SMART Crew


BBC Stay Safe

BBC Newsround – Wonder Web World

NSPCC - Your guide to the social networks your kids use . Stay up to date and keep your child safe in today's digital world.



Parents can register on the Think U Know website and access information and videos.

Some videos may not be suitable for younger children, please check suitability before watching as a family.

Think U know – Parents’ and Carers’ guide to online safety

BBC WebWise – Family online safety



Are you worried about online abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online?


Contact the Child Exploitation and Online Protection command