To grow as a community through our faith in God, giving love and respect to all.
Section 48 Inspection of the Catholic Life of the School and Religious Education
On March 3rd 2022, the Diocese of Hallam conducted their Section 48 Inspection of the Catholic Life of the School and Religious Education. We are delighted to inform you that we were judged to be good overall with many strengths identified. This is the latest report that recognises and reinforces our drive for improvement. Please read the full report by clicking here.
This week three members of our Chaplaincy Team were able to go to visit the Relics of St Bernadette at St Peter's in Chains Church.
It was a very spiritual afternoon where the children were able to find out about the life of St Bernadette and to pay their respects in front of the Relics.
During the afternoon they also tok part in a Water Liturgy and wrote prayers for our schools' intentions which will be taken back to Lourdes for pilgrims who will pray for our intentions.
The children were given rosary beads to keep and to use.
In June some of our pupils made their First Holy Communion
A huge congratulations to Kashana, Karol, Wiktoria, Miya, Valentina, Mia, Jethro, Jaydn, Sophia, Maxim and Adam.