To grow as a community through our faith in God, giving love and respect to all.
Collective Worship
As a Catholic primary school collective worship plays a fundamental part of daily school life and enables us all to join together as one in prayer and worship.
Growing Closer to God
In its simplest form, prayer is defined as “talking to God.” It is a personal time of opening our hearts to our Heavenly Father and bringing everything in our hearts to Him. Through the Apostle Paul, God asked us to pray. Prayer can be a powerful force for change in our lives, and the importance of doing it on a daily basis should be instilled in our children.
Communication is the foundation for success in any relationship. When we communicate openly and freely with each other, we learn to know each other as individuals. This principle also applies to our relationship with God. By talking to God, we can learn more about who He is and what plan He has for us.
Our daily prayers
Morning Prayer
Father in heaven, you love me,
You're with me night and day.
I want to love you always
In all I do and say.
I'll try to please you, Father.
Bless me through the day.
Lunch Time Prayer
Bless us, O Lord, as we sit together,
Bless the food we eat today,
Bless the hands that make the food.
Bless us, O Lord.
Evening Prayer
God our Father, I come to say
Thank you for your love today.
Thank you for my family,
And all the friends you give to me.
Guard me in the dark of night,
And in the morning send your light.
Classroom Worship
Each day worship takes place in the school. Each class will take part in the following acts of worship every week:
Child Led Worship
Different children in each class prepare and lead their class in worship. In younger year groups the children are guided by adults to prepare for this. As the children grow through school, more independence is given to them, to plan their own worship.
Adult Led Worship
Teachers lead the class in worship based on the 'Virtues to Live by'.