Executive Headteacher â€“ Mrs D Collins

Head of School â€“ Mrs J Murphy


Senior Leadership Team:

Mrs D Collins

Mrs J Murphy

Mrs Z Gibson

Mrs L Bent


Curriculum responsibilities:

Mrs D Collins: SENDCo

Mrs J Murphy: Safeguarding, Pupil Premium, Maths, Science & Assessment

Mrs Gibson: English (Reading and Writing), History, Geography and French

Mrs Cummins-Smith: RE Leader

Miss G Payne: Phonics and Early Reading Lead, PE and Computing

Miss L Duffner: Music, Art and DT

Mrs S Cullen: Assistant SENDCo/Deputy DSL


Class teachers:

Mrs Z Gibson - St George

Mrs Cummins-Smith and Mrs J Murphy- St Andrew

Miss Feeney - St Teresa's Nursery & Reception

Miss Payne - St Patrick

Miss L Duffner - St David


Assistant SENDCo/DDSL – Mrs S Cullen

Senior HLTA - Mrs I Duggan

HLTA – Mrs J Goucher, Mrs S Firth, Mr K Ashwell

Sports Teaching Assistant - Mr K Ashwell


Teaching Assistants:

 Mrs M Black, Mrs L Donald,

Mrs S Duffy,  Mrs J O'Neill

Mrs K Stevenson, Ms McHugh, Mrs S Basharat


Federation Business Manager â€“ Mrs L Bent

Office and Attendance Manager – Mrs S Martin




Site Supervisor - Mr J Fisher

Senior Cleaner â€“ Miss C Treanor

Cleaner - Mrs S Kirkham


Midday Supervisors:

Mrs K Stevenson

Mrs J O’Neill, Mrs S Duffy, Mrs S Basharat, Mrs M Black,

Mrs Cullen, Mr Ashwell, Mrs S Firth


Breakfast Club â€“ Mrs S Duffy, Mrs S Firth


Walker Service – Mrs S Firth