To grow as a community through our faith in God, giving love and respect to all.
Pupils have the opportunity to serve the school as part of the Chaplaincy Team. Anyone can join, and the Chaplaincy Team play a vital role in the spiritual life of the school and are supported by the R.E. Lead and Head of School.
The Chaplaincy Team perform many duties throughout the year including:
· Meeting to discuss and deliver the Gospel
· Have a say in the weekly focus prayer and hymn.
· Encouraging the children to live out their faith in their daily living
· Develop positive relationships with and beyond the school community
· To support liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school
· Fundraising for charities
· Developing stronger links with the parish
The Chaplaincy Team ideas of how to do this:
· Prepare gospel assemblies and plan Saints Day celebrations
· Choose one prayer and a hymn each week for weekly liturgy assemblies.
· Organise various charity fundraising events
· Suggest ideas for RE resources
· Help to lead liturgies
· Promote bible stories
· Maintain our prayer garden
Chaplaincy team success criteria
· To listen respectfully to each other's ideas
· To support the school in its Mission Statement
· Communicate with team members, the school and the parish
· Encourage everyone when making decisions, to share their ideas and to try their best
· Include everyone when making decisions
· Become model representations for the school. Lead by example and love as God loves us, especially people we may not always get along with.
· To support other children at break times – friendship bench
To grow as a community through our faith in God, giving love and respect to all.
Pupils have the opportunity to serve the school as part of the Chaplaincy Team. Anyone can join, and the Chaplaincy Team play a vital role in the spiritual life of the school and are supported by the R.E. Lead and Head of School.
The Chaplaincy Team perform many duties throughout the year including:
· Meeting to discuss and deliver the Gospel
· Have a say in the weekly focus prayer and hymn.
· Encouraging the children to live out their faith in their daily living
· Develop positive relationships with and beyond the school community
· To support liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school
· Fundraising for charities
· Developing stronger links with the parish
The Chaplaincy Team ideas of how to do this:
· Prepare gospel assemblies and plan Saints Day celebrations
· Choose one prayer and a hymn each week for weekly liturgy assemblies.
· Organise various charity fundraising events
· Suggest ideas for RE resources
· Help to lead liturgies
· Promote bible stories
· Maintain our prayer garden
Chaplaincy team success criteria
· To listen respectfully to each other's ideas
· To support the school in its Mission Statement
· Communicate with team members, the school and the parish
· Encourage everyone when making decisions, to share their ideas and to try their best
· Include everyone when making decisions
· Become model representations for the school. Lead by example and love as God loves us, especially people we may not always get along with.
· To support other children at break times – friendship bench
To grow as a community through our faith in God, giving love and respect to all.
Pupils have the opportunity to serve the school as part of the Chaplaincy Team. Anyone can join, and the Chaplaincy Team play a vital role in the spiritual life of the school and are supported by the R.E. Lead and Head of School.
The Chaplaincy Team perform many duties throughout the year including:
· Meeting to discuss and deliver the Gospel
· Have a say in the weekly focus prayer and hymn.
· Encouraging the children to live out their faith in their daily living
· Develop positive relationships with and beyond the school community
· To support liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school
· Fundraising for charities
· Developing stronger links with the parish
The Chaplaincy Team ideas of how to do this:
· Prepare gospel assemblies and plan Saints Day celebrations
· Choose one prayer and a hymn each week for weekly liturgy assemblies.
· Organise various charity fundraising events
· Suggest ideas for RE resources
· Help to lead liturgies
· Promote bible stories
· Maintain our prayer garden
Chaplaincy team success criteria
· To listen respectfully to each other's ideas
· To support the school in its Mission Statement
· Communicate with team members, the school and the parish
· Encourage everyone when making decisions, to share their ideas and to try their best
· Include everyone when making decisions
· Become model representations for the school. Lead by example and love as God loves us, especially people we may not always get along with.
· To support other children at break times – friendship bench