School Uniform
We believe that school uniform gives pupils a sense of pride and belonging within our school community. It also makes children feel equal to one another in terms of appearance. Non branded school uniform can be purchased from most supermarkets. Please ask the school office for details of where logos can be added. See below a list of our school uniform.
Girls Boys
Grey or black trousers/skirt/pinafore dress Grey or black trousers/shorts
Summer blue gingham dress White shirt/polo shirt
White blouse/polo shirt Navy blue Sweatshirt/jumper
Navy blue cardigan/sweatshirt Black shoes/black trainers
Black shoes/black trainers
PE Kit
Black or navy shorts/tracksuit bottoms Black or navy shorts/tracksuit bottoms
Plain white T-shirt/polo shirt Plain white T-shirt/polo shirt
Trainers Trainers
Please ensure your child/children wear the correct uniform every day unless
there are special circumstances such as non-uniform days.
Earrings and Jewellery
Only small plain stud earrings and a watch should be worn in school. Earrings MUST BE REMOVED for PE and any after school sports clubs.